Universal principles and values “in a nutshell”

  1. We are all members of the same human family, transcending the interests of any one community, nation, cultural or religious realm.
  2. Our fundamental attitude is one of selfless giving and cooperation.
  3. The absolute standard of love and truth is found in the absolute being, God, the source of true parental love.
  4. The universal moral and ethical system promotes justice, freedom and human dignity beyond race, creed and nationality.
  5. The virtues essential for a world of peace and goodness are truthfulness, discretion, restraint, duty, humility, gratitude, compassion, empathy and public-mindedness.
  6. People of peace do not claim a monopoly of truth, but respect the right of each human being to choose his or her own spiritual path or religion.
  7. A life of value is one that is lived in harmony with God’s purposes and laws.
  8. Happiness can only be realized when each of us serves the individual purpose and public purpose in complete harmony.
  9. The ultimate purpose of life is love and the optimal environment for realizing love is the multi-gender, multi-generational family.
  10. Each of us is created in the image of God and all of us possess equal intrinsic worth, which is the basis for both universal human rights and social responsibilities.
  11. We become free and self-governing beings by perfecting our love and rational understanding through family and community life.
  12. As co-creators with God, we have the responsibility to develop a material environment that protects the sanctity of nature.
  13. Inequalities are harmonized through the principle and practice of true love, which is to live a life of benefitting others through selfless service based on our own unique talents.
  14. Families that practise selfless love and have God at their centre belong to a single divine, universal lineage and are known as “blessed families” or “peace families”.
  15. Marriage is the base of a family and is a sacred institution recognized by God.
  16. Absolute, true love enables us to love the people of the world as much as we love our own family.
  17. Unity can be established on the basis of love. Then, on the basis of unity, peace can be established.
  18. Peace begins in the individual and naturally expands to the world.
  19. Our patriotism as global citizens is stronger than our identity as national subjects.
  20. When each nation serves other nations and the world with absolute love, the eternal peace of humankind will be secured through this international ethos.
  21. Families of spirituality and morality are the authors of their own deeds and lives; they do not blame others for the world’s ills; they take responsibility for the future of humanity.

Mark Bramwell, 24.4.2017